Object Agreement Grammar

Object Agreement Grammar: How to Ensure Your Writing is Grammatically Correct

When we write, we want our words to be clear, concise, and most importantly, grammatically correct. One aspect of grammar that is often overlooked is object agreement. Object agreement grammar refers to the matching of the object of the sentence with the verb that precedes it. This may seem like a small detail, but it can drastically alter the meaning of your sentence and affect how your writing is perceived by readers. In this article, we will explore object agreement grammar in-depth, so you can ensure your writing is flawless.

What is Object Agreement Grammar?

Object agreement grammar pertains to the relationship between the object of the sentence and the verb that precedes it. In a sentence, the object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. Object agreement grammar means that the verb must agree with the object in terms of number and gender.

For example, in the sentence “She eats apples,” “apples” is the object, and “eats” is the verb. The verb “eats” agrees with the singular object “apples.” However, in the sentence “They eat apples,” the verb “eat” agrees with the plural object “apples.”

Common Mistakes in Object Agreement Grammar

There are several common mistakes that writers make when it comes to object agreement grammar. One such mistake is inconsistency in the number of the object and the verb. For example, in the sentence “The team was playing well, but the players need to improve their skills,” “team” is a singular object, and “was playing” is a singular verb. However, “players” is a plural object, but “need” is a singular verb. This inconsistency can lead to confusion for readers.

Another common mistake is using the wrong gender or pronoun for the object, which can make the sentence sound awkward or unclear. For example, in the sentence “The doctor told her patient that he needs to rest,” it is unclear whether “he” refers to the doctor or the patient.

How to Improve Object Agreement Grammar

Improving object agreement grammar is essential for ensuring that your writing is clear and concise. Here are some tips for improving object agreement grammar:

1. Check for consistency in the number of the object and the verb. If the object is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the object is plural, the verb should be plural.

2. Use the correct gender or pronoun for the object. If the object is female, use “she/her,” and if the object is male, use “he/him.” If the gender is unknown, use a gender-neutral pronoun such as “they/them.”

3. Read your writing out loud to catch any awkward or unclear sentences. Sometimes, hearing your writing can help you identify object agreement grammar errors that you may have missed when reading silently.

4. Use grammar tools such as Grammarly or Hemingway Editor to help you identify object agreement grammar errors in your writing.


Object agreement grammar is a critical aspect of writing that can easily be overlooked. By ensuring that your verbs agree with your objects in terms of number and gender, you can improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. Take the time to proofread your work and use grammar tools to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct. By doing so, you can write with confidence, knowing that your words will be understood exactly as you intended.