Difference between Terms and Conditions and Agreement

When it comes to conducting business online, there are two common legal documents that you will come across- Terms and Conditions and Agreements. While these two concepts may seem interchangeable, they are actually quite different. In this article, we will examine the difference between Terms and Conditions and Agreements.

Terms and Conditions:

Terms and Conditions are a set of rules that govern how a website or an application operates. These rules can cover a variety of topics such as user behavior, privacy policies, intellectual property rights, disclaimers, limitations of liability, and more. Terms and Conditions are typically posted on a website or an app and users are required to agree to them before using the platform.

The purpose of Terms and Conditions is to protect the website or app owner`s interests and limit their liability in case of legal disputes. When users agree to the Terms and Conditions, they are essentially entering into a contract with the owner of the website or app, agreeing to abide by the rules set forth in the document.


Agreements, on the other hand, are documents that outline the terms of a specific business transaction between two or more parties. Agreements are more specific than Terms and Conditions and typically cover a single topic such as an employment agreement, a service agreement, or a lease agreement.

Agreements are signed by the parties involved, indicating that they understand and agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the document. Unlike Terms and Conditions, Agreements are not commonly posted publicly on a website or app.

Key Differences:

The key difference between Terms and Conditions and Agreements is that Terms and Conditions are more general, while Agreements are more specific. Terms and Conditions usually cover a wide range of topics and apply to all users of a website or app, while Agreements are tailored to a specific business transaction.

Another difference between the two is the level of negotiation involved. Terms and Conditions are typically non-negotiable and users must agree to them if they wish to use the website or app. Agreements, on the other hand, are often the result of negotiations between the parties involved and can be altered to reflect the needs of each party.


In summary, while both Terms and Conditions and Agreements are legal documents that are used to protect the interests of the parties involved, they have distinct differences. Terms and Conditions are general rules that apply to all users of a website or app, while Agreements are specific agreements that cover a single transaction between two or more parties. Understanding the differences between the two is crucial when conducting business online to ensure that you are protected legally.